Saturday 1 October 2011

Frank Food

Karoo Lamb Chops

This was one of my first forays into creating HD slide shows of photography from the kitchen using

digital stils from my 20D DSLR. I spent 3 days in the kitchen, picking up all the details I could. Document the people, the ingredients, the preparation, the cooking, the laughs, the buzz of service.

I don't know how to describe the unique atmosphere in a restaurant kitchen, for me its like my second home.

the half way line

This is an environment I truly feel at ease in. I have always had a very close friendship with all the people in the kitchen. My family have had restaurants all my life, I grew up in restaurants, I know feel of a restaurant, I understand the narrative that plays out everyday, its choreography, its hospitality.

This project developed out of my need to continue trying to tell stories, create a window into this world using narrative devices.

I love this picture of my father and clayton at the pass, my father was always aware of the dish's coming out of the kitchen. Here is the video, I am sorry its only SD - still trying to dig up the HD version where the food is so delicious and pops off the screen. I love my fathers food, its was truly a magical place for me.

Enjoy the Video!